Steffes Spotlight: Shingirayi Makanya

This month’s Employee Spotlight features Assembly Technician Shingirayi Makanya, who works in Steffes’s Electric Thermal Storage (ETS) division and was recently promoted to production lead! In addition to working in ETS, Shingi has also spent time during his 7-year tenure assembling electrical units for products in the Oil & Gas division and has most recently begun simultaneous work as an engineering intern.
After graduating from Grantham University with a degree in electronic and computer engineering, Shingi explored the construction industry and dabbled in graphic design before seeking a career in manufacturing.
As an ETS assembly technician and engineering intern, Shingi contributes to the building and assembling of heaters and works in SolidWorks daily, an engineering design software. New product development and innovation are two of his favorite job responsibilities, and he enjoys creating and updating new products in the ETS lab.
When discussing what Shingi likes most about working for Steffes, he quickly answered, “The culture! We involve everyone and work as a team; it is what has kept me at Steffes. I love serving as a mentor and coach for new employees and enjoy sharing the culture with them as well as sharing competencies of the job.” He will certainly get to do more of that in his new role as the ETS production lead.
Shingi is currently studying automation online and hopes to work in engineering, creating programs for the welding robots at Steffes in the future. With the little free time he has, he enjoys barbecuing and has a special rib recipe he is most proud of! We are currently trying to talk him into bringing some to the office for us to sample… we’ll keep you posted!