Steffes honored with Family Business of the Year Award

In April 2023, the Steffes family received the Vicki Clarke Prairie Family Business of the Year Award from the Prairie Family Business Association (PFBA). The award honors a family business that makes valuable contributions to its community through leadership, volunteerism, and financial support; exhibits a caring spirit toward the well-being of its employees; and displays honesty and integrity in relations with its customers.
“The Vicki Clarke Award is selected by peer family business owners, which speaks so highly to the work the Steffes family has done both to grow their business and to transition in ownership,” said PFBA Executive Director Stephanie Larscheid. “We’re excited to see how their next generation continues to evolve this business.”
Founder Paul Steffes, his wife, Laurie, and their children – third-generation business owners – Suzi Sobolik, Kyle Steffes, and Katie Harrington attended PFBA’s 31st annual Family Business Conference to accept the award.
In recognition of this achievement, PFBA also shared a video showcasing the Steffes family’s history and the impact the business has made in over 50 years of service to its customers, communities, and employees.
Video courtesy of Prairie Family Business Association.