Exceeding Standards: Steffes’ Air Assist Flares and Comprehensive Compliance Support

At Steffes, we have always taken pride in staying ahead of the curve when it comes to meeting and exceeding regulatory requirements for demonstrating combustion efficiency. Our commitment to compliance and innovation is unwavering, and as regulations continue to evolve, we remain steadfast in our proactive approach.

But how exactly do we achieve this? We provide comprehensive technical specifications for our products, including detailed charts, graphs, and other data, to address compliant flow rates and support permitting efforts. These resources offer critical insights and serve as a solid foundation for demonstrating compliance with regulatory standards.

Consider our Air Assist Flares as an example. Quad Ob regulations require flares to operate at or above the minimum inlet flow rate specified by the manufacturer. To support our operators in demonstrating compliance, we provide comprehensive technical specifications for this product, based on the efficiency rates verified through PFTIR testing.

What sets us apart is that many other flare manufacturers do not supply this level of technical detail or support, leaving their customers to navigate permitting and compliance challenges on their own. At Steffes, also consider it our responsibility to equip our customers with the tools and data they need to confidently meet regulatory requirements.