Steffes’ Commitment to Flare Performance and Compliance shown through PFTIR testing
In 2015, and again in 2024, Steffes partnered with Spectrum Environmental Solutions to voluntarily conduct a comprehensive flare testing program to demonstrate that the performance of our pressure-assisted flares was equal to or superior to other commercially available designs. This initiative wasn’t just about testing; it was about setting a new standard for quality and reliability in the industry.
The testing process incorporated all the rigorous quality control and assurance protocols of prior Passive Fourier Transform Infrared (PFTIR) testing, which has been used to establish the basis for emissions factor development across the industry. By aligning with these high standards, Steffes reinforced the PFTIR technique as a proven and viable method for demonstrating flare performance, solidifying our position as an innovator in the field.
The results of our initial testing continue to serve as a cornerstone of our commitment to delivering reliable, high-performing flares. This data has become a powerful testament to the unmatched efficiency and value of Steffes flares, helping us not only meet but exceed Quad Ob regulations and expectations of operators. As the industry evolves, so does our dedication to leveraging this foundational data to improve our products and services.
And we’re not stopping there—there’s more news regarding our 2024 testing on the horizon!