Enhancing Bakken Operations: Upgrading to Steffes’ Low-Pressure and Air Assist Flares
Throughout the Bakken, the Steffes team has been assisting operators retrofit their existing well sites from pit flares to our cleaner burning low-pressure Variable Orifice Flares – a popular choice for those looking for a low-cost option requiring only a simple tip conversion.
Another product that is currently making a significant impact in the play is our Steffes Air Assist Flare, particularly our SAA-8 system. These flares enable central tank batteries and/or pads with new production to efficiently handle the accumulation of tank vapors generated from high volume production. Our Air Assist Flares achieve safe, efficient production without emitting visible smoke on a well with a variable rate of flow, which is especially important to adhere to Quad Ob regulations.
The integration of both the Steffes Low Pressure Flare and our Air Assist Flares enables operators to upgrade their equipment with minimal modifications and downtime. More importantly, these solutions help keep operations compliant with evolving environmental regulations, allowing operators to focus on efficient and responsible production.
Interested in either of our flares? Reach out to our Bakken guys!