Paul Steffes to Speak at 2018 ACEEE Hot Water Forum
Paul Steffes is going to be a featured panelist at the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy 2018 Hot Water Forum in Portland, Oregon March 20-22.
ACEEE’s Hot Water Forum is the only technical conference about efficiently making, distributing, and using hot water, regardless of its source. Since 2008, the Hot Water Forum has brought together experts and novices from manufacturing, distribution (plumbing), electricity, gas and water utilities, government, and the research community to learn from each other and build momentum for market transformation. The Forum features two full days of sessions presented by experts in the field on cutting-edge development in these areas.
Paul will be talking about Steffes’ water heating technology utilizing electric thermal storage and off peak energy as well as the benefits of being able to communicate and meet the real time needs of the grid.